Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Unscramble It (50 pts)

  Choose one of the Scrambled Paragraphs and unscramble it here.


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  3. 1 Pay attention to immediate risks—but remember to look for the many opportunities to build long-term resilience and advantage.
    2 BCG experts describe today’s volatility and how companies can turn from uncertainty to action.
    3 Inflation is higher than it’s been in a generation, but policy makers still have room to maneuver.
    4 Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, BCG’s global chief economist, is concerned about inflation but not yet willing to say the world is in a new era of constantly spiraling prices and collapsing asset prices.

  4. 2 We strongly believe that your presence will mean the world to our artists.
    3 This will push deaf artists to work more actively with hearing artists.
    1 This will provide them with opportunities to raise financial resources for themselves while learning from and exchanging knowledge with hearing artists.
    4 It will also be a step in the right direction to bridge the gap between the hearing community and deaf community.

  5. 2. However, donation activities can be participated in various ways as well as 'direct sponsorship'. For example, you can donate by playing smartphone games, and posting pictures on Instagram has a big impact on promoting the campaign.
    1. What comes to mind when you think of 'donation'? I think you'll usually think of donations from non-profit organizations such as UNICEF.
    5. As a result, it reached 30 million people, half of Italy's population. In addition, donations have had a significant effect of a 700% increase compared to before.
    3. Most of them know the origin of donation activities through social media as the Ice Bucket Challenge. Before that, there is a campaign that appeared first. This is a no-makeup selfie, a campaign conducted by the Cancer Institute in the United Kingdom.
    4. This campaign was a campaign in which people with Down syndrome asked celebrities such as soccer players, chefs, and actors to donate videos.

  6. 1 John Henson has wormed his way back into the rotation, and Mirza Teletovic is hitting shots in Michael Beasley's place.
    2 Antetokounmpo finished the trip with two star performances.
    3 President Malcolm Brogdon cares not for your rookie walls.
    4 Greg Monroe is hustling on defense, getting his hands on the ball, and pitter-pattering those heavy feet as fast as they'll go.

  7. The “you” attitude is designed to make the reader feel like we’re looking at a situation from their perspective. We want to make the reader feel respected and be sensitive to their feelings so that their ego doesn’t get hurt. We also use the “you” attitude to make sure that the reader understands what they’re going to gain, instead of focusing on what we will gain. It’s important not to overuse the actual word “you”, or your message may begin to sound a little weird. When writing with the “you” attitude, you want to be very clear with what message you’re trying to deliver, and be sure to be specific. You really want to highlight the points that the reader wants to know about.


Resume Statement (100)

  YOU MUST HAVE ONE OF THESE ON YOUR RESUME! Write a resume objective statement based on the advice given in "Writing a Resume Objectiv...