Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Persuasion Technique (50 pts.)

 In the comments section, identify the charity/organization/company you will be writing a persuasive letter for and what you are asking for. Then write a short entry using one of the persuasive techniques we have discussed in class.


  1. Feed the Children

    Remember the times when you were younger and picking what you wanted for breakfast was the hardest thing to choose? Or waking up in the morning super excited for your moms homemade pancakes? Imagine waking up wondering if you even get to eat breakfast, or when your next meal will be.

  2. Cunningham Children's Home

    Have you ever wondered how kids go through their teenage years without parents' support? Have you expressed gratitude and showed genuine happiness when your parents gave you surprising birthday presents? Less fortunate children need your support and love. Let us be part of their family.

  3. Crisis Nursery

    Are you ever concerned if you can balance your children's well-being and an emergency? Were you ever worried if they will be affected by the situation you are going through? We offer services up to 48 hours to keep your kids satisfied and safe. We have meals, entertainment, and warm beds for them to rest on. Let us take care of your children whenever you feel overwhelmed.

  4. Zidong (Marco) WangOctober 2, 2022 at 7:23 PM

    Soothe the child

    Remember when your parents coaxed you when you were crying or unhappy when you were a kid? Or how elated you look every time your parents come home and bring you toys? We provide services centered on the child's experience, and the purpose is to make children happy and company. When your child is unhappy and you don't have time, we'll make up for the lack of love by being part of the family.

  5. Yutong Xu (Judy)October 2, 2022 at 9:51 PM

    Do you miss the fragrant waffles your mom prepares for you in the morning? Not all children in real life have such a treat, many unfortunate orphans do not have this opportunity to enjoy it. A donation of ten dollars can be exchanged for a year's worth of breakfast and happy smiles for the children.

  6. Do you remember in your childhood, how do you feel if your parents were not with you? You might feel lonely, fear, or depressed. However, there are lots of children living without parents for their whole life. Would you like to become one of their families and make them feel warm and love?

  7. Open Books
    Can you believe that people are still struggling to learn how to read and write in a society where education is idolized? According to think impact, on average, 21% of adults in the US are still illiterate in 2022. Those who are undereducated are shamed by society, yet imagine if one doesn't even know how to read. Let us make a difference for those who never had the opportunity to learn by simply buying a book from one of Open Books’ nonprofit retail locations.

  8. Internet Watch Foundation
    Every child deserves a healthy and happy childhood. However, there is a lot of child sexual abuse in today's society. How can we just watch this happen while doing nothing? Our organization uses technology to identify and remove images about child sexual abuse on the Internet. We hope that you or your company will consider making a donation or becoming a partner to make a small contribution to children's health.

  9. Girl Rising
    Do you want to help low-income girls go to school? Do you want to improve the social status of women? Do you want to build a better future for all women? We, Girl Rising, help low-income girls around the world gain access to qualified education and secure their futures. Besides, we are not only focusing on girls in third world countries but also girls in developed countries, which are missed by most charities. Join and support us, and let us help low-income girls forgotten by the public together.

  10. The organization is Feed My Starving Children

  11. The charity which I want to write a persuasive letter for is the De’VIA Art Foundation. The De’VIA Art Foundation is focused on supporting young and upcoming deaf artists in the deaf community. De’VIA Art is a form of art which represents deaf culture and has meaning and symbolism behind the expressions portrayed in it. I will be asking for donations to raise funds to provide students with scholarships so that they can receive financial aid and support.

  12. Champaign County Humane Society
    Everyday there are many stray dogs and cats looking at the world with helpless eyes. Hunger, disease, and fear all push them to the brink of death. It is such heartbroken that the number of US stray animals has reached about 70 million in 2022. Champaign County Humane Society works to prevent cruelty to animals, to promote animal welfare, and to educate the public about the humane care and treatment of animals. Are you willing to join us or make some donations to provide these animals a better quality of life?

  13. Connections for Abused Women and their Children
    Domestic abuse is a problem. It is prevalent in the world, in the United States, in Illinois, and on school campuses ¬ — even at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Domestic abuse is so prevalent that 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence throughout a lifetime and 25%, that is 1 in 4, women have been victims. Unfortunately, not even children are spared. 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year. Connections for Abused Women and their Children provides services and shelter for women and child victims of domestic abuse.

  14. A cancer center
    Did we get the disease from cancer because we wanted it? One by one is dying today due to cancer, which is considered the number one fatality rate. Your precious donation makes them heal their illness. We continue to develop healthy and sustainable communities for the poor around the world.

  15. Professional Business Fraternities in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: volunteering for the Voluntary Income Tax Assistant Program. Have you ever thought about how your tax skillsets acquired during class/internship would make a difference in our community? Maybe VITA Program is an answer. Join us during this tax year to prepare tax returns for low-income individuals, the disabled, the mentally compromised, or immigrants with limited English Proficiency. What's a better way to receive 20 service credit hours for your honor student requirement AND strengthen your skillsets at the same time? Act now. Be there or be square.

  16. Organization: Breakthrough Urban Ministries
    Chicago is one of the most crime-filled cities in the world; additionally, it struggles with homelessness, education, and proper nutrition. Breakthrough Urban Ministries is able to house, feed, educate and find employment for adolescents all the way to senior citizens. Breakthrough is looking to clean up Chicago and make sure every person has a place to lie their head at night.

  17. Organization: Bottom Line
    Have you ever felt lost when trying to fill out your financial aid? Feeling stressed about school or in general? Need someone to talk to or help? Help yourself today, by signing up for Bottom Line, a program focused towards students seeking additional support.


Resume Statement (100)

  YOU MUST HAVE ONE OF THESE ON YOUR RESUME! Write a resume objective statement based on the advice given in "Writing a Resume Objectiv...